Big Bag
Made from from woven polypropylene ribbons of high tenacity and resistance, designed to contain loads from 300 to 2500 Kg.
Its structure allows the packing and storage of powdery materials of different granulometry, such as fertilizers, chemicals, foods, cements, minerals, seeds, resins, etc.
- Free of metal waste
- Ferrous and non-ferrous by electronic detection
- Free of foreign bodies (insects, impurities, etc.)
- Certification of resistance with photographic record in dynamometric test
- UN Certification (6:1 safety factor)
- Manufactured under British standard BS 6382 with safety factor 5:1
- They do not need pallets since they work as an integral lifting device
- They can be recycled, since they are made of virgin polypropylene

coated Woven or laminated

of the uncoated fabric 100-110-155-187-198-222-224

of the coated fabric 128-183-195-215-272

colours White, black, yellow, blue, others.

capacity 300kg to 2500kg

option anti-leak Yes

colours1 to 4





– Libre de residuos metálicos.
– Ferrosos y No Ferrosos por detección electrónica.
– Libre de cuerpos extraños (insectos, impurezas, etc.).
– Certificación de resistencia con registro fotográfico en prueba dinamométrica.
– Certificación UN (factor de seguridad 6:1)
– Fabricado bajo norma Británica BS 6382 con factor de seguridad 5:1
– No necesitan pallets ya que funcionan como un dispositivo de elevación integral.
– Pueden ser reciclados, ya que están hechos de polipropileno virgen.